Bond Oversight Committee

The Jefferson County School District is committed to transparency and oversight throughout the implementation of the 2021 Bond. In order to accomplish this goal the District has created two layers of oversight built into the bond program in order to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being used as approved by voters.

The Bond Oversight Committee is an independent, community-based advisory committee with the charge to monitor the planned improvements, costs, schedule, and progress of the bond program.The committee will meet quarterly or as needed to review bond funded projects and offer advice and recommendations to the School Board.

The Bond Oversight Committee shall be composed of no fewer than 7 and no more than 11 members, to be appointed by the Board Chair and approved by the Board. Members shall primarily be professionals with experience in finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking and general business. The District's Director of Operations & Safety and Chief Financial Officer shall serve as ex officio members.

Current Committee Members: 

  • Kelly Simmelink
  • Jaylyn Suppah
  • Chris Toman
  • Jeff Hurd
  • Javin Dimmick
  • Mary Bravo
  • Charlene Dimmick
  • Denise Garcia
  • Ardis Clark
  • Courtney Snead (School Board Member)
  • Jacob Struck (School Board Member)

Meeting Minutes

March 3, 2022 Minutes